trick or treat

life as i know it and the world as i see it

Location: Hyderabad, India

Friday, August 05, 2005

back to college

well, i've finally got back to college after an almost three month vacation. normally, i'd be quite depressed about such a turn of events but the vacation that just passed was truly from HELL.
it started with a six-week industrial training at siemens-truly the most boring six weeks of my life. the training also entailed leaving the house at 6 in the morning and returning at 7 in the evening. almost as soon as the trainig got over my sister's wedding took delhi. normally, you would think that weddings would be fun but from my experiences they are quite a pain. they are overly showy, very ritualistic, commercialised to such an extent that the owner of the horse used in the baarat demands 500 bucks as 'shagun' before he lets the groom get off the horse and is full of grumpy relatives who sit through all the ceremonies just to fulfil their social obligations and are pissed because they have to do so. anyway, after coming back to mumbai i had a couple of weeks to do absolutely nothing and then the rains started...and didn't stop.
the last week was spent almost exclusively at home and i returned to college(late) through a 20-hour bus ride(aaargh). for the first time in my life," thank god the vacation's over".