trick or treat

life as i know it and the world as i see it

Location: Hyderabad, India

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Obssessed with corruption

'sau mein ninyanve be-imaan,
mera bharat mahaan'

Our nation is obssessed with corruption. Our press is obssessed with exposing it wherever it exists, our politicians are obssessed with using it as their only weapon against their opponents and the public is obssessed with blaming all the nation's woes on it. All of this might have been a good thing if it was not for the fact that india is one of the most corrupt nations in the world and the whole nation getting riled up when a new scam is unearthed just reminds you how the liar is the loudest to defend his integrity and the coward his bravery. Operation Duryodhan has just uncovered that MPs are 'selling the nation' by taking money to ask questions in Parliament and the whole nation is 'shocked'. Anyone who is shocked by this 'revelation' is either extremely naive or putting up an act.Come on, in india today everyone has a price and we all know it.

My problem with this obssession is that it has become so pervasive that the real issues are forgotten. The Delhi blasts were not two days old when the Volcker story broke. The government did not respond to the worst terrorist attack in this country in over a decade and they were allowed to get away with it because of some names mentioned in some appendix of a report with no legal standing. Its ironic, isn't it, that the report has names of politicians from all over the world but it creates a storm only in new delhi. Parliament could do with a proper discussion on India's vote against Iran in the IAEA but the BJP won't allow Parliament to function. They should have attacked the government on the unconstitutional and malafide dissolution of the bihar assembly but they are so busy with volcker that buta singh is still the governor. AIDS is probably the biggest hurdle this nation faces in becoming a great power in the years to come but i doubt if most of the media realized when world aids day slipped by. They were probably planning the next sting operation-maybe ministers fixing government tenders.


Blogger Psmith said...


A government worse than any one can remember, and an opposition to match.

what a time to be an Indian !

9:57 PM  
Blogger Mahesh Shastry said...

the media stings the small fish while the major corruption still goes on. all this and many other instances point to the biggest problem faced by this country- hypocrisy. political parties lack the will to stick to ideologies, so everything concerned with governance is hypocritical.

12:17 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i think sting operations are just things the public has not gotten used to yet.. once they do, no one will bother, just like the daily deaths in Kashmir.i guess everyone's just accepted corruption exists everywhere.the fuss is just one big 'i told you so' from those who think they are corrupt only because everyone else is!

7:01 PM  

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